Track metadata generated while using djay on your Mac, iPad, or iPhone is automatically synced via iCloud. This includes cue points and loop regions per song. Other metadata like BPM analysis is currently not synced.
This article will walk you through enabling, testing, and troubleshooting iCloud syncing on iOS and macOS devices, and covers the following topics:
- Enabling iCloud syncing on iOS
- Testing iCloud syncing on iOS
- Enabling iCloud syncing on macOS
- Testing iCloud syncing on macOS
- Troubleshooting iCloud syncing on iOS and macOS
Enabling iCloud syncing on iOS
1. Open the Settings App on your device.
2. Tap on your Name/Apple ID.
3. Tap on iCloud.
4. Ensure that the iCloud Drive toggle is enabled.
Testing iCloud syncing on iOS
1. Load a song on one of your devices and set a start point (using the cue point buttons next to the play button).
2. Load another song on the same deck to trigger synchronization with the cloud.
3. Load the same song on your other device. It should have the cue point set at the same location as on your first device.
Note: You can also check the status of your iCloud synchronization in the djay for iOS app by going into djay's Settings>Advanced>iCloud.
Enabling iCloud syncing on macOS
1. Open System Preferences.
2. Click on "Apple ID".
3. Click on "iCloud" followed by "Options" under iCloud Drive.
4. Finally, make sure that the box next to djay Pro AI is marked with a check.
Testing iCloud syncing on macOS
1. Load a song on one of your devices and set a start point (using the cue point buttons next to the play button).
2. Load another song on the same deck to trigger synchronization with the cloud.
3. Load the same song on your other device. It should have the cue point set at the same location as on your first device.
Note: You can also check the status of your iCloud synchronization in djay Pro AI by going into djay's Preferences>Advanced>iCloud Syncing.
Troubleshooting iCloud syncing on iOS and macOS
1. On the Mac, make sure you’re using djay purchased through the Mac App Store:
1a. Launch djay Pro AI on your Mac.
1b. Select "About djay Pro AI" from the "djay Pro AI" menu.
1c. If it says "Registered to: ..." above the version number, your version of djay is not purchased through the Mac App Store.
2. Update your operating system to the latest version.
3. In the iCloud system settings, check if every device is logged in with the same Apple ID and iCloud drive is enabled.
4. Check if every device is connected to the Internet.
5. Check if the songs you are using have exactly the same title, artist, and duration.
6. Check if iCloud Drive is enabled for djay:
On Mac: go to System Preferences - Apple ID - iCloud - iCloud Drive - Options... and ensure the checkbox next to "djay Pro AI" is checked.
On iOS: open the Settings app, Apple ID - iCloud Drive and ensure the switch next to djay is is toggled on (i.e., green).
7. Try restarting your Mac and iOS devices. Click here to see how to restart an iOS device.
8. In the Date & Time system settings, enable automatically setting the date and time on all your devices.
9. Reset all settings on your problematic iOS device in the Settings app under General - Reset - Reset All Settings (please note this only affects the system settings, not the device).
10. Sign out of iCloud and sign back in.