If you have purchased djay from the Mac App Store, your purchase of djay will be linked to your Apple ID, in which case you will not need or be given a license key for the software.
If djay asks you to input a license key, then you may still have the demo version of djay installed on your Mac computer.
If this is the case, then please delete all djay-related files, including installation packages. You can find these files by typing "djay" into your Mac's "Spotlight Search" or by using the search field in your Finder.
Finally, download djay again on the Mac App Store by following these steps:
- Open the Mac App Store.
- Click on your Apple ID/Name in the bottom left corner of the app window.
- Click View Information in the top right corner of the app window.
- Sign into your Apple ID if prompted.
- You will find your purchased version of djay here that is ready to be re-downloaded.
Success! You are now ready to get back to creating your next great mix. 🎧