You can make every external device, soundcard and external mixer work with djay by bridging the device via the VB-Audio ASIO Bridge.
Please follow these steps to bridge your device:
- Make sure the Creators Update is installed via the following link.
- Download the Audio Bridge via this link.
- Install the bridge and make sure the latest driver of your external audio device is installed.
- Open "Sounds" and make sure "Hi-Fi Cable Input" is displayed as a Playback device.
- Select "Hi-Fi Cable Input" and click "Configure".
- Select "Quadraphonic" as the Audio Channel Speaker Setup.
- Click Next and Finish the Speaker Setup.
- Open the VB-Audio Asio Bridge and click "ASIO Device".
- Select your device and hit "ASIO ON".
- Go to djay Pro for Windows and go to the djay menu.
- Click "Audio Device" and apply "Hi-Fi Cable Input (VB- Audio Hi-Fi Cable)".